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The Sunna of the Prophet: The People of Fiqh Versus the People of Hadith

Dar Al Taqwa

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Having published the abridged English translation of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ghazali's seminal Quranic commentary under the title Journey through the Quran, Dar-al-Taqwa has followed it with the translation of a second important work by the Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali about the nature of the Prophetic Sunna. This is greatly needed in the present situation when there is so much misinformation about Islam in the media, often aided and abetted by well meaning but sometimes misguided Muslims.

Using many examples and his own compendious knowledge, Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali shows how many hadiths have been misunderstood and misused to paint a distorted picture of Islam. With great courtesy and skill, he points out the flaws in the positions adopted by extremists at both ends of the spectrum and allows the true picture of the balance and wisdom which in reality make up the Muhammadan Sunna to emerge.

ISBN 9781870582513
Author Mohammed al-Ghazali
Publisher Dar Al Taqwa
Translator Aisha Bewley
Format Paperback
Pages 162