The most well known and exhaustive study of the Prophet's khasa'is (may Allah bless him and give him peace), or his special and unique characteristics and legal rulings exclusive to him, is undoubtedly the multivolume Kifayah al-talib al-labib fi khasa'is al-habib (The Sufficiency for the Intelligent Seeker on the Special Characteristics of the Beloved), or more widely known as al-Khasa'is al-kubra (The Greater [Compendium on the] Special Characteristics), penned by the author of the present work, Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti.
The author later summarised his aforementioned book and entitled it Unmudhaj al-labib fi khasa'is al-habib (A Sample of the Special Characteristics of the Beloved for the Intelligent), also known as al-Khasa'is al-sughra (The Lesser [Compendium on the] Special Characteristics), of which this is the English translation.
This translation has been augmented to include explanatory notes taken from the scholarly commentaries of Imams 'Abd al-Ra'uf al-Munawi (d. 1031/1622) and Muhammad 'Abd al-Bari al-Ahdal (d. 1298/1880) on the text, adding clarity and expounding on and resolving some of the more seemingly controvertible points.
Author | Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti |
Translator |
Amjad Mahmood |
Publisher | Heritage Press |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 179 |